Hajime Hoji's HP Top
Research Interests
What's New
General Remarks
Past Postings
Downloadable Papers
List of Publications
Conference/Workshop Presentations
Invited Talks
Works by other linguists
(downloadable papers included)
Works by Ayumi Ueyama (including her 1998 thesis)
Works by J.-R. Hayashishita
Works by Teruhiko Fukaya
Works by Satoshi Kinsui
Other Works
Dept of Ling, USC
Ayumi Ueyama's webpage
(written mostly in Japanese)
Satoshi Kinsui's webpage
(written mostly in Japanese)
Jason Merchant's webpage
You can e-mail me at:
hoji [at]
Mailing address
Department of Linguistics
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, California 90089-1693
Subjects (Tree)
Subjects (Date)
Postings (List)
Hajime Hoji
Oct/19/2015 (07:10)
The second book on language faculty science
Hajime Hoji
Oct/19/2015 (07:58)
The table of contents of the second book on language faculty science
[No. 45361]
Hajime Hoji
Nov/29/2014 (04:56)
Rich deductive-structure of prediction-making and a network of judgments
Hajime Hoji
Dec/08/2014 (05:23)
Schema groups (SGs), Lexical groups (LGs), etc.
[No. 44831]
Hajime Hoji
May/09/2014 (11:01)
Issues on Anaphora in Japanese
to be reexamined in light of
Language Faculty Science
Hajime Hoji
Oct/21/2014 (03:05)
Started preparing postscripts for papers in the Ohsumi volume
[No. 44719]
Hajime Hoji
Oct/28/2014 (04:54)
Postscript to the 1995 NELS paper
[No. 44737]
Hajime Hoji
Oct/31/2014 (07:13)
RE: Postscript to the 1995 NELS paper
[No. 44745]
Hajime Hoji
Nov/15/2014 (02:13)
Postscript to the 1995 (NELS) paper turning out to be the Preface to the Kindle edition of the Ohsumi volume
[No. 44789]
Hajime Hoji
Nov/01/2014 (09:52)
Has been moved from the General Remarks board
[No. 44752]
Hajime Hoji
Jul/23/2015 (06:44)
Preface instead of Postscript
[No. 45106]
Hajime Hoji
Aug/11/2015 (12:12)
A section of the Preface
[No. 45189]
Hajime Hoji
Aug/23/2015 (05:14)
Hoji 1985 (and Hoji 1990)
[No. 45227]
Hajime Hoji
Aug/18/2015 (18:09)
The beginning of the Preface: two versions
[No. 45216]
Hajime Hoji
Aug/18/2015 (18:10)
One of the main issues in the next book on language faculty science
[No. 45217]
Hajime Hoji
Oct/19/2015 (07:22)
The Preface almost finalized
[No. 45353]
Hajime Hoji
Oct/19/2015 (07:23)
Section 1: Introduction
[No. 45354]
Hajime Hoji
Oct/19/2015 (07:27)
Section 2: Hoji 1985
[No. 45355]
Hajime Hoji
Oct/19/2015 (07:31)
Section 3: Papers 1-6
[No. 45356]
Hajime Hoji
Oct/19/2015 (07:33)
Section 4: Paper 7: A transition to language faculty science
[No. 45357]
Hajime Hoji
Oct/19/2015 (07:36)
Section 5: Hoji 2015
[No. 45358]
Hajime Hoji
Oct/19/2015 (07:39)
Section 6: Evaluating the papers collected in this volume in light of Hoji 2015
[No. 45359]
Hajime Hoji
Oct/19/2015 (07:40)
[No. 45360]
Hajime Hoji
May/22/2014 (04:02)
Before and After
Language Faculty Science
Hajime Hoji
Apr/25/2014 (13:30)
Language Faculty Science
Hajime Hoji
Apr/25/2014 (13:38)
Chapter 1
[No. 44351]
Hajime Hoji
Apr/26/2014 (00:22)
Chapter 2
[No. 44356]
Hajime Hoji
May/05/2014 (07:01)
Chapter 3
[No. 44382]
Hajime Hoji
Jun/17/2014 (08:59)
Chapter 4
[No. 44445]
Hajime Hoji
Jun/22/2014 (09:55)
Chapters 5-8
[No. 44460]
Hajime Hoji
Jul/26/2014 (02:46)
Chapter 5 --heading only--
[No. 44493]
Hajime Hoji
Jul/09/2014 (18:05)
Chapter 5: Section 1
[No. 44480]
Hajime Hoji
Jul/26/2014 (02:49)
Chapter 5: Last Section
[No. 44494]
Hajime Hoji
Sep/01/2014 (09:27)
Chapter 6 -- heading only --
[No. 44628]
Hajime Hoji
Aug/04/2014 (07:39)
Chapter 6: section 1
[No. 44511]
Hajime Hoji
Sep/01/2014 (09:35)
Chapter 6: Last Section: the last two paragraphs
[No. 44631]
Hajime Hoji
Sep/01/2014 (09:49)
Chapter 6: Appendix: the last two paragraphs
[No. 44632]
Hajime Hoji
Sep/01/2014 (09:29)
Chapter 7 -- heading only --
[No. 44629]
Hajime Hoji
Aug/11/2014 (10:59)
Chapter 7: Appendix II: the last few paragraphs
[No. 44528]
Hajime Hoji
Aug/30/2014 (06:13)
Will not be included in the book
[No. 44612]
Hajime Hoji
Oct/10/2014 (05:15)
The Experiment-related materials will be made available at the accompanying website
[No. 44694]
Hajime Hoji
Aug/30/2014 (06:17)
Chapter 7: Last Section: The last few paragraphs
[No. 44613]
Hajime Hoji
Aug/30/2014 (06:21)
Chaper 7: Appendix: Last Section
[No. 44614]
Hajime Hoji
Sep/01/2014 (09:31)
Chapter 8 -- heading only --
[No. 44630]
Hajime Hoji
Jul/26/2014 (02:57)
Chapter 8: the last two paragraphs
[No. 44495]
Hajime Hoji
Jul/03/2014 (03:37)
One of the main features of
Language Faculty Science
[No. 44473]
Hajime Hoji
Sep/01/2014 (10:07)
Appendix: On the Accompanying Website: the last three paragraphs
[No. 44633]
Hajime Hoji
Sep/20/2014 (09:03)
Final touches
[No. 44651]
Hajime Hoji
Sep/27/2014 (05:25)
PF representations and pf representations, and the ontology of Schemata
[No. 44667]
Hajime Hoji
Oct/03/2014 (05:16)
[No. 44682]
Hajime Hoji
Oct/10/2014 (05:17)
A longer (and more personal) Preface
[No. 44695]
Hajime Hoji
Apr/27/2014 (10:29)
Hoji 2003 (
) in light of Hoji forthcoming (
Language Faculty Science
Hajime Hoji
Feb/08/2003 (17:18)
Lingua-sections 1 and 5
--Heading Only--
[No. 11306]
Hajime Hoji
Feb/12/2003 (18:24)
The aim of science and the aim of generative grammar
[No. 11455]
Hajime Hoji
Feb/12/2003 (18:26)
Einstein 1934
[No. 11456]
Hajime Hoji
Feb/12/2003 (18:31)
Chomsky 1955/1975
[No. 11457]
Hajime Hoji
Feb/12/2003 (18:49)
The significance of experiments in generative grammar
[No. 11458]
Hajime Hoji
Jul/26/2014 (06:50)
Pursuing rigorous testability
[No. 44496]
Hajime Hoji
Feb/12/2003 (19:22)
The goal of generative grammar and a selection of a research topic
[No. 11462]
Hajime Hoji
Feb/12/2003 (19:06)
Data and theories in generative grammar
[No. 11461]
Hajime Hoji
Mar/09/2003 (19:27)
generalizations and predictions
[No. 11854]
Hajime Hoji
Mar/09/2003 (19:38)
[No. 11855]
Hajime Hoji
Mar/09/2003 (19:44)
[No. 11856]
Hajime Hoji
Mar/09/2003 (20:06)
UG and a particular grammar
[No. 11857]
Hajime Hoji
Apr/27/2014 (10:27)
What I must have had in mind in 2003 and how things are now
[No. 44361]
Hajime Hoji
Nov/12/2003 (14:19)
-- Methodological Remarks --
[No. 14315]
Hajime Hoji
Jul/31/2001 (11:29)
Galileo and generative grammar
[No. 7174]
Hajime Hoji
Jan/23/2002 (11:07)
Theories and experiments
[No. 8152]
Hajime Hoji
Jan/23/2002 (11:09)
experimental arrangements
[No. 8153]
Hajime Hoji
Feb/03/2002 (01:53)
When a prediction fails to be confirmed
[No. 8348]
Hajime Hoji
Feb/03/2002 (02:04)
A theory based upon multiple hypotheses
[No. 8349]
Hajime Hoji
Feb/03/2002 (03:45)
RE: A theory based upon multiple hypotheses
[No. 8351]
Hajime Hoji
Jul/22/2003 (15:51)
Chomsky 1979
Language and Responsibility
[No. 13234]
Hajime Hoji
Jan/17/2004 (21:46)
My response to the objection
[No. 15140]
Hajime Hoji
Apr/27/2014 (06:46)
Language Faculty Science
and these remarks
[No. 44360]
Hajime Hoji
Apr/07/2003 (11:55)
Falsifiability, preaching and actual practice
Hajime Hoji
Apr/27/2014 (04:42)
The content of the webpage mentioned in [12204]
[No. 44359]
Hajime Hoji
Mar/20/2014 (10:33)
The handout of my recent talk (Language Faculty Science) at USC
Hajime Hoji
Apr/26/2014 (00:31)
The table of content of
Language Faculty Science
[No. 44357]
Hajime Hoji
Feb/06/2012 (14:37)
The articulation (as of Feb, 2012) of the methodology of language faculty science as an exact science
Hajime Hoji
Feb/11/2012 (10:00)
Continued (4): Outline of the book
[No. 42417]
Hajime Hoji
Feb/28/2012 (22:10)
On the scientific status of current generative grammar
[No. 42471]
Hajime Hoji
Feb/13/2012 (12:14)
A key to making progress in language faculty science
[No. 42423]
Hajime Hoji
Feb/10/2012 (16:36)
Continued (3)
[No. 42415]
Hajime Hoji
Feb/09/2012 (04:00)
Continued (2)
[No. 42412]
Hajime Hoji
Feb/08/2012 (11:42)
Continued (1)
[No. 42407]
Hajime Hoji
Sep/23/2008 (17:56)
Sneak previews of the book I hope I will soon finish
Hajime Hoji
Feb/11/2012 (10:22)
What has happened to the 2009 draft
[No. 42418]
Hajime Hoji
Jan/09/2009 (19:38)
What will most likely not be included in the book
[No. 35914]
Hajime Hoji
Jun/04/2009 (14:55)
Two more books
[No. 37171]
Hajime Hoji
Dec/01/2008 (09:28)
The table of contents as of 11/30/2008
[No. 35453]
Hajime Hoji
Jan/09/2009 (18:53)
The table of contents as of 1/9/2009
[No. 35913]
Hajime Hoji
Jan/16/2009 (23:07)
If you would like to take a look at the draft
[No. 36023]
Hajime Hoji
Oct/08/2008 (07:06)
Introduction, in reference to Chomsky 1965
[No. 34636]
Hajime Hoji
Dec/06/2008 (08:18)
The position of Chomsky concerning methodology
[No. 35532]
Hajime Hoji
Oct/22/2008 (19:10)
[No. 34883]
Hajime Hoji
Nov/12/2008 (05:07)
RE: Idealization
[No. 35153]
Hajime Hoji
Oct/22/2008 (19:14)
Some related remarks in Chomsky 1995
[No. 34884]
Hajime Hoji
Oct/17/2008 (10:57)
Mentalistic linguistics
[No. 34795]
Hajime Hoji
Oct/22/2008 (19:01)
a somewhat more expanded version
[No. 34880]
Hajime Hoji
Jan/10/2009 (17:38)
Concerned with the Computational System not with language
[No. 35924]
Hajime Hoji
Mar/01/2012 (18:43)
I-Language and E-Language
[No. 42483]
Hajime Hoji
Sep/25/2008 (19:22)
Intellectual honesty
[No. 34437]
Hajime Hoji
Jan/10/2009 (17:30)
Cargo Cult Science by Richard Feynman
[No. 35922]
Hajime Hoji
Mar/01/2012 (17:09)
[No. 42480]
Hajime Hoji
Jan/10/2009 (19:10)
RE: Cargo Cult Science by Richard Feynman
[No. 35927]
Hajime Hoji
Jan/12/2009 (13:21)
Richard Feynman on Social Sciences
[No. 35960]
Hajime Hoji
Jan/10/2009 (17:32)
RE: Cargo Cult Science by Richard Feynman
[No. 35923]
Hajime Hoji
Sep/23/2008 (18:15)
contrastive judgments
[No. 34391]
Hajime Hoji
Feb/23/2007 (14:06)
Postings mentioned elsewhere in my HP
Hajime Hoji
Jun/14/2006 (05:06)
Popper (1983) on falsifiability and falsification
[No. 27158]
Hajime Hoji
Mar/01/2012 (16:47)
Naive falsificationism
[No. 42477]
Hajime Hoji
Nov/18/2006 (10:56)
The fundamental problem in generative grammar
Hajime Hoji
Nov/18/2006 (10:59)
Major concerns underlying the research
[No. 29074]
Hajime Hoji
Nov/18/2006 (13:17)
The continued use of invalid generalizations
[No. 29083]
Hajime Hoji
Nov/24/2006 (17:55)
Further remarks in the Generalization board
[No. 29149]
Hajime Hoji
Feb/19/2012 (07:03)
More recent methodological articulation
[No. 42430]
Hajime Hoji
Oct/11/2006 (20:05)
What is most crucial:
negative predictions
Hajime Hoji
Mar/01/2012 (16:27)
*Schema-based predictions
[No. 42476]
Hajime Hoji
Feb/01/2007 (06:12)
A nice illustration in the recent literature
[No. 30217]
Hajime Hoji
Feb/01/2007 (08:42)
Lakatos 1978, applied to generative research
[No. 30221]
Hajime Hoji
Feb/19/2012 (10:17)
Alleged generalizations in Japanese
Hajime Hoji
Feb/19/2012 (12:34)
Feynman on a vague theory, and remarks by Dirac and Weinberg
[No. 42433]
Hajime Hoji
Feb/24/2012 (03:39)
The alleged generalization regarding Neg and Q
[No. 42445]
Hajime Hoji
Mar/02/2009 (05:58)
Miyagawa and Arikawa 2007 and Kato 1988
[No. 36500]
Hajime Hoji
Mar/02/2009 (08:11)
Re. Miyagawa and Arikawa 2007 and Kato 1988
[No. 36505]
Hajime Hoji
Mar/02/2009 (08:53)
Re. Miyagawa and Arikawa 2007 and Kato 1988
[No. 36506]
Hajime Hoji
Feb/26/2012 (06:45)
If it fails to form a
confirmed schematic asymmetry
[No. 42457]
Hajime Hoji
Feb/26/2012 (10:48)
RE: If it fails to form a
confirmed schematic asymmetry
[No. 42459]
Hajime Hoji
Nov/23/2006 (08:29)
as a local anaphor
Hajime Hoji
Dec/05/2006 (16:53)
One more pair of English and Japanese examples
[No. 29284]
Hajime Hoji
Jan/18/2007 (06:19)
What makes such practice in the field possible?
[No. 29943]
Hajime Hoji
Jan/19/2007 (06:06)
In concrete terms
[No. 29951]
Hajime Hoji
Feb/19/2012 (07:26)
Current methodological articulation
[No. 42431]
Hajime Hoji
Oct/11/2006 (19:06)
A preview
Hajime Hoji
Oct/11/2006 (20:08)
Methodology [28637]
[No. 28638]
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