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O Dept of Ling, USC

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Mailing address
Department of Linguistics
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, California 90089-1693
Subjects (Tree) Subjects (Date) Postings (List)

[45351] Hajime Hoji Oct/19/2015 (07:10)The second book on language faculty science
Hajime Hoji Oct/19/2015 (07:58)The table of contents of the second book on language faculty science [No. 45361]
[44822] Hajime Hoji Nov/29/2014 (04:56)Rich deductive-structure of prediction-making and a network of judgments
Hajime Hoji Dec/08/2014 (05:23)Schema groups (SGs), Lexical groups (LGs), etc. [No. 44831]
[44393] Hajime Hoji May/09/2014 (11:01)Issues on Anaphora in Japanese to be reexamined in light of Language Faculty Science
Hajime Hoji Oct/21/2014 (03:05)Started preparing postscripts for papers in the Ohsumi volume [No. 44719]
   Hajime Hoji Oct/28/2014 (04:54)Postscript to the 1995 NELS paper [No. 44737]
     Hajime Hoji Oct/31/2014 (07:13)RE: Postscript to the 1995 NELS paper [No. 44745]
     Hajime Hoji Nov/15/2014 (02:13)Postscript to the 1995 (NELS) paper turning out to be the Preface to the Kindle edition of the Ohsumi volume [No. 44789]
Hajime Hoji Nov/01/2014 (09:52)Has been moved from the General Remarks board [No. 44752]
Hajime Hoji Jul/23/2015 (06:44)Preface instead of Postscript [No. 45106]
    Hajime Hoji Aug/11/2015 (12:12)A section of the Preface [No. 45189]
     Hajime Hoji Aug/23/2015 (05:14)Hoji 1985 (and Hoji 1990) [No. 45227]
    Hajime Hoji Aug/18/2015 (18:09)The beginning of the Preface: two versions [No. 45216]
     Hajime Hoji Aug/18/2015 (18:10)One of the main issues in the next book on language faculty science [No. 45217]
    Hajime Hoji Oct/19/2015 (07:22)The Preface almost finalized [No. 45353]
      Hajime Hoji Oct/19/2015 (07:23)Section 1: Introduction [No. 45354]
      Hajime Hoji Oct/19/2015 (07:27)Section 2: Hoji 1985 [No. 45355]
      Hajime Hoji Oct/19/2015 (07:31)Section 3: Papers 1-6 [No. 45356]
      Hajime Hoji Oct/19/2015 (07:33)Section 4: Paper 7: A transition to language faculty science [No. 45357]
      Hajime Hoji Oct/19/2015 (07:36)Section 5: Hoji 2015 [No. 45358]
      Hajime Hoji Oct/19/2015 (07:39)Section 6: Evaluating the papers collected in this volume in light of Hoji 2015 [No. 45359]
      Hajime Hoji Oct/19/2015 (07:40)References [No. 45360]
[44418] Hajime Hoji May/22/2014 (04:02)Before and After Language Faculty Science
[44350] Hajime Hoji Apr/25/2014 (13:30)Language Faculty Science
Hajime Hoji Apr/25/2014 (13:38)Chapter 1 [No. 44351]
Hajime Hoji Apr/26/2014 (00:22)Chapter 2 [No. 44356]
Hajime Hoji May/05/2014 (07:01)Chapter 3 [No. 44382]
Hajime Hoji Jun/17/2014 (08:59)Chapter 4 [No. 44445]
Hajime Hoji Jun/22/2014 (09:55)Chapters 5-8 [No. 44460]
   Hajime Hoji Jul/26/2014 (02:46)Chapter 5 --heading only-- [No. 44493]
    Hajime Hoji Jul/09/2014 (18:05)Chapter 5: Section 1 [No. 44480]
    Hajime Hoji Jul/26/2014 (02:49)Chapter 5: Last Section [No. 44494]
   Hajime Hoji Sep/01/2014 (09:27)Chapter 6 -- heading only -- [No. 44628]
    Hajime Hoji Aug/04/2014 (07:39)Chapter 6: section 1 [No. 44511]
    Hajime Hoji Sep/01/2014 (09:35)Chapter 6: Last Section: the last two paragraphs [No. 44631]
    Hajime Hoji Sep/01/2014 (09:49)Chapter 6: Appendix: the last two paragraphs [No. 44632]
   Hajime Hoji Sep/01/2014 (09:29)Chapter 7 -- heading only -- [No. 44629]
    Hajime Hoji Aug/11/2014 (10:59)Chapter 7: Appendix II: the last few paragraphs [No. 44528]
     Hajime Hoji Aug/30/2014 (06:13)Will not be included in the book [No. 44612]
       Hajime Hoji Oct/10/2014 (05:15)The Experiment-related materials will be made available at the accompanying website [No. 44694]
    Hajime Hoji Aug/30/2014 (06:17) Chapter 7: Last Section: The last few paragraphs [No. 44613]
    Hajime Hoji Aug/30/2014 (06:21)Chaper 7: Appendix: Last Section [No. 44614]
   Hajime Hoji Sep/01/2014 (09:31)Chapter 8 -- heading only -- [No. 44630]
     Hajime Hoji Jul/26/2014 (02:57)Chapter 8: the last two paragraphs [No. 44495]
Hajime Hoji Jul/03/2014 (03:37)One of the main features of Language Faculty Science [No. 44473]
Hajime Hoji Sep/01/2014 (10:07)Appendix: On the Accompanying Website: the last three paragraphs [No. 44633]
Hajime Hoji Sep/20/2014 (09:03)Final touches [No. 44651]
   Hajime Hoji Sep/27/2014 (05:25)PF representations and pf representations, and the ontology of Schemata [No. 44667]
Hajime Hoji Oct/03/2014 (05:16)Preface [No. 44682]
    Hajime Hoji Oct/10/2014 (05:17)A longer (and more personal) Preface [No. 44695]
[44362] Hajime Hoji Apr/27/2014 (10:29)Hoji 2003 (Lingua) in light of Hoji forthcoming (Language Faculty Science)
Hajime Hoji Feb/08/2003 (17:18)Lingua-sections 1 and 5 --Heading Only-- [No. 11306]
   Hajime Hoji Feb/12/2003 (18:24)The aim of science and the aim of generative grammar [No. 11455]
    Hajime Hoji Feb/12/2003 (18:26)Einstein 1934 [No. 11456]
    Hajime Hoji Feb/12/2003 (18:31)Chomsky 1955/1975 [No. 11457]
    Hajime Hoji Feb/12/2003 (18:49)The significance of experiments in generative grammar [No. 11458]
     Hajime Hoji Jul/26/2014 (06:50)Pursuing rigorous testability [No. 44496]
    Hajime Hoji Feb/12/2003 (19:22)The goal of generative grammar and a selection of a research topic [No. 11462]
   Hajime Hoji Feb/12/2003 (19:06)Data and theories in generative grammar [No. 11461]
   Hajime Hoji Mar/09/2003 (19:27)generalizations and predictions [No. 11854]
   Hajime Hoji Mar/09/2003 (19:38)experiments [No. 11855]
   Hajime Hoji Mar/09/2003 (19:44)repeatability [No. 11856]
   Hajime Hoji Mar/09/2003 (20:06)UG and a particular grammar [No. 11857]
   Hajime Hoji Apr/27/2014 (10:27)What I must have had in mind in 2003 and how things are now [No. 44361]
Hajime Hoji Nov/12/2003 (14:19)Lingua -- Methodological Remarks -- [No. 14315]
    Hajime Hoji Jul/31/2001 (11:29)Galileo and generative grammar [No. 7174]
    Hajime Hoji Jan/23/2002 (11:07)Theories and experiments [No. 8152]
    Hajime Hoji Jan/23/2002 (11:09)experimental arrangements [No. 8153]
    Hajime Hoji Feb/03/2002 (01:53)When a prediction fails to be confirmed [No. 8348]
    Hajime Hoji Feb/03/2002 (02:04)A theory based upon multiple hypotheses [No. 8349]
     Hajime Hoji Feb/03/2002 (03:45)RE: A theory based upon multiple hypotheses [No. 8351]
    Hajime Hoji Jul/22/2003 (15:51)Chomsky 1979 Language and Responsibility [No. 13234]
     Hajime Hoji Jan/17/2004 (21:46)My response to the objection [No. 15140]
    Hajime Hoji Apr/27/2014 (06:46)Language Faculty Science and these remarks [No. 44360]
[12204] Hajime Hoji Apr/07/2003 (11:55)Falsifiability, preaching and actual practice
Hajime Hoji Apr/27/2014 (04:42)The content of the webpage mentioned in [12204] [No. 44359]
[44263] Hajime Hoji Mar/20/2014 (10:33)The handout of my recent talk (Language Faculty Science) at USC
Hajime Hoji Apr/26/2014 (00:31)The table of content of Language Faculty Science [No. 44357]
[42404] Hajime Hoji Feb/06/2012 (14:37)The articulation (as of Feb, 2012) of the methodology of language faculty science as an exact science
Hajime Hoji Feb/11/2012 (10:00)Continued (4): Outline of the book [No. 42417]
   Hajime Hoji Feb/28/2012 (22:10)On the scientific status of current generative grammar [No. 42471]
   Hajime Hoji Feb/13/2012 (12:14)A key to making progress in language faculty science [No. 42423]
Hajime Hoji Feb/10/2012 (16:36)Continued (3) [No. 42415]
Hajime Hoji Feb/09/2012 (04:00)Continued (2) [No. 42412]
Hajime Hoji Feb/08/2012 (11:42)Continued (1) [No. 42407]
[34390] Hajime Hoji Sep/23/2008 (17:56)Sneak previews of the book I hope I will soon finish
Hajime Hoji Feb/11/2012 (10:22)What has happened to the 2009 draft [No. 42418]
Hajime Hoji Jan/09/2009 (19:38)What will most likely not be included in the book [No. 35914]
   Hajime Hoji Jun/04/2009 (14:55)Two more books [No. 37171]
Hajime Hoji Dec/01/2008 (09:28)The table of contents as of 11/30/2008 [No. 35453]
   Hajime Hoji Jan/09/2009 (18:53)The table of contents as of 1/9/2009 [No. 35913]
     Hajime Hoji Jan/16/2009 (23:07)If you would like to take a look at the draft [No. 36023]
Hajime Hoji Oct/08/2008 (07:06)Introduction, in reference to Chomsky 1965 [No. 34636]
   Hajime Hoji Dec/06/2008 (08:18)The position of Chomsky concerning methodology [No. 35532]
   Hajime Hoji Oct/22/2008 (19:10)Idealization [No. 34883]
    Hajime Hoji Nov/12/2008 (05:07)RE: Idealization [No. 35153]
    Hajime Hoji Oct/22/2008 (19:14)Some related remarks in Chomsky 1995 [No. 34884]
   Hajime Hoji Oct/17/2008 (10:57)Mentalistic linguistics [No. 34795]
     Hajime Hoji Oct/22/2008 (19:01)a somewhat more expanded version [No. 34880]
       Hajime Hoji Jan/10/2009 (17:38)Concerned with the Computational System not with language [No. 35924]
         Hajime Hoji Mar/01/2012 (18:43)I-Language and E-Language [No. 42483]
Hajime Hoji Sep/25/2008 (19:22)Intellectual honesty [No. 34437]
   Hajime Hoji Jan/10/2009 (17:30)Cargo Cult Science by Richard Feynman [No. 35922]
     Hajime Hoji Mar/01/2012 (17:09)The URL [No. 42480]
     Hajime Hoji Jan/10/2009 (19:10)RE: Cargo Cult Science by Richard Feynman [No. 35927]
      Hajime Hoji Jan/12/2009 (13:21)Richard Feynman on Social Sciences [No. 35960]
     Hajime Hoji Jan/10/2009 (17:32)RE: Cargo Cult Science by Richard Feynman [No. 35923]
Hajime Hoji Sep/23/2008 (18:15)On contrastive judgments [No. 34391]
[30454] Hajime Hoji Feb/23/2007 (14:06)Postings mentioned elsewhere in my HP
Hajime Hoji Jun/14/2006 (05:06)Popper (1983) on falsifiability and falsification [No. 27158]
    Hajime Hoji Mar/01/2012 (16:47)Naive falsificationism [No. 42477]
[29073] Hajime Hoji Nov/18/2006 (10:56)The fundamental problem in generative grammar
Hajime Hoji Nov/18/2006 (10:59)Major concerns underlying the research [No. 29074]
    Hajime Hoji Nov/18/2006 (13:17)The continued use of invalid generalizations [No. 29083]
      Hajime Hoji Nov/24/2006 (17:55)Further remarks in the Generalization board [No. 29149]
        Hajime Hoji Feb/19/2012 (07:03)More recent methodological articulation [No. 42430]
[28637] Hajime Hoji Oct/11/2006 (20:05)What is most crucial: negative predictions
Hajime Hoji Mar/01/2012 (16:27)*Schema-based predictions [No. 42476]
Hajime Hoji Feb/01/2007 (06:12)A nice illustration in the recent literature [No. 30217]
    Hajime Hoji Feb/01/2007 (08:42)Lakatos 1978, applied to generative research [No. 30221]
[42432] Hajime Hoji Feb/19/2012 (10:17)Alleged generalizations in Japanese
Hajime Hoji Feb/19/2012 (12:34)Feynman on a vague theory, and remarks by Dirac and Weinberg [No. 42433]
Hajime Hoji Feb/24/2012 (03:39)The alleged generalization regarding Neg and Q [No. 42445]
   Hajime Hoji Mar/02/2009 (05:58)Miyagawa and Arikawa 2007 and Kato 1988 [No. 36500]
     Hajime Hoji Mar/02/2009 (08:11)Re. Miyagawa and Arikawa 2007 and Kato 1988 [No. 36505]
     Hajime Hoji Mar/02/2009 (08:53)Re. Miyagawa and Arikawa 2007 and Kato 1988 [No. 36506]
Hajime Hoji Feb/26/2012 (06:45)If it fails to form a confirmed schematic asymmetry [No. 42457]
    Hajime Hoji Feb/26/2012 (10:48)RE: If it fails to form a confirmed schematic asymmetry [No. 42459]
[29124] Hajime Hoji Nov/23/2006 (08:29)Zibunzisin as a local anaphor
Hajime Hoji Dec/05/2006 (16:53)One more pair of English and Japanese examples [No. 29284]
    Hajime Hoji Jan/18/2007 (06:19)What makes such practice in the field possible? [No. 29943]
      Hajime Hoji Jan/19/2007 (06:06)In concrete terms [No. 29951]
      Hajime Hoji Feb/19/2012 (07:26)Current methodological articulation [No. 42431]
[28635] Hajime Hoji Oct/11/2006 (19:06)A preview
Hajime Hoji Oct/11/2006 (20:08)Methodology [28637] [No. 28638]

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