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[45353] Hajime Hoji (→ [45106]) Oct/19/2015 (Mon) 07:22
The Preface almost finalized
The draft of the Preface has been commented by others and it has been revised during the past couple of months.

The title of the Preface is:
"Towards Language Faculty Science: Remarks on the papers collected in Hoji 2013"

Under this posting, I will post the content of each of its sections, as of 10/18/2015. I am not going to provide the footnotes. Most of the font/paragraph formatting is lost here. There are currently 49 footnotes. The Preface is 24 pages long in a Word file, single-spaced.

References :
[45106] Hajime Hoji Jul/23/2015 (06:44)Preface instead of Postscript
[45354] Hajime Hoji Oct/19/2015 (07:23)Section 1: Introduction
[45355] Hajime Hoji Oct/19/2015 (07:27)Section 2: Hoji 1985
[45356] Hajime Hoji Oct/19/2015 (07:31)Section 3: Papers 1-6
[45357] Hajime Hoji Oct/19/2015 (07:33)Section 4: Paper 7: A transition to language faculty science
[45358] Hajime Hoji Oct/19/2015 (07:36)Section 5: Hoji 2015
[45359] Hajime Hoji Oct/19/2015 (07:39)Section 6: Evaluating the papers collected in this volume in light of Hoji 2015
[45360] Hajime Hoji Oct/19/2015 (07:40)References