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O Dept of Ling, USC

O Ayumi Ueyama's webpage (written mostly in Japanese)
O Satoshi Kinsui's webpage (written mostly in Japanese)
O Jason Merchant's webpage
You can e-mail me at: hoji [at]
Mailing address
Department of Linguistics
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, California 90089-1693
Subjects (Tree) Subjects (Date) Postings (List)

[45361] Hajime Hoji Oct/19/2015 (07:58)The table of contents of the second book on language faculty science
[45360] Hajime Hoji Oct/19/2015 (07:40)References
[45359] Hajime Hoji Oct/19/2015 (07:39)Section 6: Evaluating the papers collected in this volume in light of Hoji 2015
[45358] Hajime Hoji Oct/19/2015 (07:36)Section 5: Hoji 2015
[45357] Hajime Hoji Oct/19/2015 (07:33)Section 4: Paper 7: A transition to language faculty science
[45356] Hajime Hoji Oct/19/2015 (07:31)Section 3: Papers 1-6
[45355] Hajime Hoji Oct/19/2015 (07:27)Section 2: Hoji 1985
[45354] Hajime Hoji Oct/19/2015 (07:23)Section 1: Introduction
[45353] Hajime Hoji Oct/19/2015 (07:22)The Preface almost finalized
[45351] Hajime Hoji Oct/19/2015 (07:10)The second book on language faculty science
[45227] Hajime Hoji Aug/23/2015 (05:14)Hoji 1985 (and Hoji 1990)
[45217] Hajime Hoji Aug/18/2015 (18:10)One of the main issues in the next book on language faculty science
[45216] Hajime Hoji Aug/18/2015 (18:09)The beginning of the Preface: two versions
[45189] Hajime Hoji Aug/11/2015 (12:12)A section of the Preface
[45106] Hajime Hoji Jul/23/2015 (06:44)Preface instead of Postscript
[44831] Hajime Hoji Dec/08/2014 (05:23)Schema groups (SGs), Lexical groups (LGs), etc.
[44822] Hajime Hoji Nov/29/2014 (04:56)Rich deductive-structure of prediction-making and a network of judgments
[44789] Hajime Hoji Nov/15/2014 (02:13)Postscript to the 1995 (NELS) paper turning out to be the Preface to the Kindle edition of the Ohsumi volume
[44752] Hajime Hoji Nov/01/2014 (09:52)Has been moved from the General Remarks board
[44393] Hajime Hoji May/09/2014 (11:01)Issues on Anaphora in Japanese to be reexamined in light of Language Faculty Science
[44719] Hajime Hoji Oct/21/2014 (03:05)Started preparing postscripts for papers in the Ohsumi volume
[44737] Hajime Hoji Oct/28/2014 (04:54)Postscript to the 1995 NELS paper
[44745] Hajime Hoji Oct/31/2014 (07:13)RE: Postscript to the 1995 NELS paper
[44695] Hajime Hoji Oct/10/2014 (05:17)A longer (and more personal) Preface
[44694] Hajime Hoji Oct/10/2014 (05:15)The Experiment-related materials will be made available at the accompanying website
[44682] Hajime Hoji Oct/03/2014 (05:16)Preface
[44667] Hajime Hoji Sep/27/2014 (05:25)PF representations and pf representations, and the ontology of Schemata
[44651] Hajime Hoji Sep/20/2014 (09:03)Final touches
[44633] Hajime Hoji Sep/01/2014 (10:07)Appendix: On the Accompanying Website: the last three paragraphs
[44632] Hajime Hoji Sep/01/2014 (09:49)Chapter 6: Appendix: the last two paragraphs

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