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[42471] Hajime Hoji (→ [42417]) Feb/28/2012 (Tue) 22:10
On the scientific status of current generative grammar
The paper that I submitted to a journal last August -- I have not received the reviews yet -- ends with the following sentence, slightly adapted here, to avoid reference to other parts of the paper.

"Most importantly, crucial reference to confirmed schematic asymmetries as "basic units of facts" against which we evaluate our hypotheses about the Computational System of the language faculty makes us hopeful that we might be able to make generative grammar an empirical science, or to put it more accurately, to make language faculty science possible, where [the hypothetico-deductive method can be rigorously applied.FN"

FN: One may take this statement as contentious if one thinks that generative grammar has already established itself as a science of the language faculty. As suggested in the preceding pages, my own assessment is rather different from such a view as long as we mean by "science" a field in which a hypothetico-deductive method is applied rigorously and hypotheses in question are subjected to careful and robust empirical tests. I do not, by any means, claim, however, that the method suggested here is the only way to study the language faculty. There may be other approaches to the language faculty and there may, and perhaps should, be other types of evidence beside informant intuitions that can be used for or against hypotheses about the language faculty. One might, for example, hypothesize the core property of the language faculty that is different from the model of the Computational System adopted here; one might also have a model of judgment-making that is distinct from what we adopt. The relevant hypotheses and the alternative models in question, however, must be articulated with respect to how informant judgment or other types of evidence, if relevant, is/are related to the hypothesized properties of the language faculty so that we can make testable predictions and aspire to make progress in our endeavor to understand the properties of the language faculty in a research program of language faculty science as an exact science.

References :
[42417] Hajime Hoji Feb/11/2012 (10:00)Continued (4): Outline of the book