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[11455] Hajime Hoji (→ [11306]) Feb/12/2003 (Wed) 18:24
The aim of science and the aim of generative grammar
If "the aim of science is, on the one hand, a comprehension, as complete as possible, of the connection between the sense experiences in their totality, and, on the other hand, the accomplishment of this aim by the use of a minimum of primary concepts and relations,"1 as Einstein (1936: 293) puts it, and if generative grammar is that part of science whose aim consists of a comprehension of the connection between the sense experiences as reflections of the language faculty, it follows that one of our tasks is to identify what the relevant sense experiences are; cf. Chomsky 1955/1975: 37.

1  The emphases are as in the original.

Some comments and related quotations will be posted as "daughters" to this posting.

References :
[11306] Hajime Hoji Feb/08/2003 (17:18)Lingua-sections 1 and 5 --Heading Only--
[11456] Hajime Hoji Feb/12/2003 (18:26)Einstein 1934
[11457] Hajime Hoji Feb/12/2003 (18:31)Chomsky 1955/1975
[11458] Hajime Hoji Feb/12/2003 (18:49)The significance of experiments in generative grammar
[11462] Hajime Hoji Feb/12/2003 (19:22)The goal of generative grammar and a selection of a research topic