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[35927] Hajime Hoji (→ [35922]) Jan/10/2009 (Sat) 19:10
RE: Cargo Cult Science by Richard Feynman
[This posting is in relation to [35922]. The old URL given there has since been replaced by a new one. Furthermore, the URL given below does not seem to work as of 7/2/2014. But I am keeping this posting just to keep the point that there seem to be different versions of "Cargo Cult Science" available on-line. 7/2/2014.]
"Cargo Cult Science"
Richard Feynman
From a Caltech commencement address given in 1974

If you go to:

you have a slightly more expanded, or slightly less shortened, version of his 1974 address than what is given at the first URL given above. Perhaps the version at the first URL is what has appeared in the book Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman! and what is given at the second URL is what appeared originally in "Engineering and Science" (June 1974), which might have been (or might be) a Cal-Tech-internal publication.

I highly recommend this; it is only 5 pages.
If you are a linguist, it may be an interesting exercise to ask yourself how much of what Feynman says a good scientist should do you are trying to practice in your own research. When you read my book, you can also ask how much of what Feynman has noted you think I have tried to do in my research as reported in my book.

References :
[35922] Hajime Hoji Jan/10/2009 (17:30)Cargo Cult Science by Richard Feynman
[35960] Hajime Hoji Jan/12/2009 (13:21)Richard Feynman on Social Sciences