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o Works by Ayumi Ueyama (including her 1998 thesis)
o Works by J.-R. Hayashishita
o Works by Teruhiko Fukaya
o Works by Satoshi Kinsui
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O Dept of Ling, USC

O Ayumi Ueyama's webpage (written mostly in Japanese)
O Satoshi Kinsui's webpage (written mostly in Japanese)
O Jason Merchant's webpage
You can e-mail me at: hoji [at]
Mailing address
Department of Linguistics
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, California 90089-1693
General Remarks
Subjects (Tree) Subjects (Date) Postings (List)

[46190] Hajime Hoji Oct/23/2016 (07:45)Book Descripion of the English Kindle edition of Hoji 2013
[45352] Hajime Hoji Oct/19/2015 (07:17)A talk on 11/1/2015 at Kyoto University
[45102] Hajime Hoji Jul/22/2015 (19:15)The leading idea behind Language Faculty Science
Hajime Hoji Jul/23/2015 (06:33)Related postings [No. 45105]
[45036] Hajime Hoji Jul/09/2015 (15:42)About the second book
Hajime Hoji Sep/17/2015 (05:33)A rough idea about the second book: its possible titles, the table of contents, etc. [No. 45284]
    Hajime Hoji Sep/17/2015 (05:59)The old table of contents for the second book [No. 45285]
[45014] Hajime Hoji Jul/04/2015 (06:57)Linguistics and scientific methods
Hajime Hoji Jul/04/2015 (07:58)Prospects for a new structuralism [No. 45015]
[44964] Hajime Hoji May/20/2015 (00:38)A talk at Gunma Prefectural Women's University, May 11, 2015
[44958] Hajime Hoji May/14/2015 (23:26)Shortcomings of the book
[44773] Hajime Hoji Nov/10/2014 (01:17)Progress report on the production of Language Faculty Science
[44708] Hajime Hoji Oct/17/2014 (08:21)The book manuscript submitted for copy editing
[44602] Hajime Hoji Aug/28/2014 (02:29)Feynman: The importance of getting the feeling for the phenomenon
Hajime Hoji Aug/28/2014 (02:31)Laws are about numbers in physics but they are not in language faculty science [No. 44603]
[40868] Hajime Hoji Oct/07/2010 (12:57)Recent ellipsis-related discussion in Japanese
Hajime Hoji Oct/07/2010 (18:23)The reason for my silence on the topic [No. 40874]
Hajime Hoji Oct/07/2010 (13:46)S. Weinberg: No alternative to making a judgment ... [No. 40869]
Hajime Hoji Aug/21/2014 (14:00)The use of the term confirmed schematic asymmetries [No. 44572]
Hajime Hoji Sep/21/2014 (08:45)The essential content of an ellipsis analsysis [No. 44656]
[44520] Hajime Hoji Aug/08/2014 (18:53)The internalist approach to language and the language faculty
Hajime Hoji Aug/14/2014 (01:20)What defines my research orientation [No. 44541]
   Hajime Hoji Sep/23/2014 (07:48)The Guess-Compute-Compare method rather than the methodological naturalist approach [No. 44657]
     Hajime Hoji Oct/15/2014 (04:09)Methodological naturalism, as opposed of methodological dualism [No. 44701]
Hajime Hoji Aug/24/2014 (23:00)A matter of personal interest and personal taste [No. 44590]
Hajime Hoji Oct/15/2014 (05:16)If you are an internalist pursuing rigorous deducibility and testability [No. 44702]
[44486] Hajime Hoji Jul/20/2014 (04:26)A talk at Kanagawa University on 9/11/2014
Hajime Hoji Jul/25/2014 (10:18)Time/Location of the talk [No. 44490]
Hajime Hoji Sep/20/2014 (09:09)The talk went well [No. 44652]
[44448] Hajime Hoji Jun/17/2014 (10:05)Visiting Kyoto University Feb-May next year
[44413] Hajime Hoji May/19/2014 (04:32)A key to language faculty science as an exact science
Hajime Hoji May/21/2014 (01:38)Advertisement and scientific integrity [No. 44414]
   Hajime Hoji May/21/2014 (04:22)Feynman on Scientific Integrity, and Arguments in Linguistics [No. 44416]
   Hajime Hoji May/22/2014 (03:47)The tactical decision to focus on the scientific issues [No. 44417]
Hajime Hoji Jun/17/2014 (09:14)The theory could never be proved right [No. 44446]
    Hajime Hoji Jun/17/2014 (09:40)The issue of testability [No. 44447]
    Hajime Hoji Jun/18/2014 (04:03)Some consequences of this [No. 44449]
[44324] Hajime Hoji Apr/11/2014 (14:32)Some Chomsky videos
Hajime Hoji Apr/18/2014 (13:28)Anaphora, inside or outside the language faculty [No. 44337]
    Hajime Hoji Apr/18/2014 (13:51)That is an empirical question [No. 44338]
[44220] Hajime Hoji Mar/01/2014 (23:35)Language Faculty Science: Methodology and Empirical Demonstration
Hajime Hoji Mar/01/2014 (23:39)Main conceptual claim [No. 44221]
Hajime Hoji Mar/18/2014 (08:01)Language Faculty Inquiry as an Exact Science [No. 44252]
   Hajime Hoji Mar/20/2014 (10:43)It will most likely be Language Faculty Science [No. 44264]
     Hajime Hoji Apr/25/2014 (13:10) Language Faculty Science as the title [No. 44349]
Hajime Hoji Mar/18/2014 (08:17)Replicability of informant judgments in accordance with our predictions [No. 44253]
[44279] Hajime Hoji Mar/29/2014 (04:22)Research Interests -- Old Versions --
Hajime Hoji Mar/04/2006 (17:29)11/7/2008 [No. 24960]
Hajime Hoji Feb/28/2012 (21:01)2/28/2012 [No. 42469]

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