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[45285] Hajime Hoji (→ [45284]) Sep/17/2015 (Thu) 05:59
The old table of contents for the second book
I initially had the following table of contents for the second book. But, after preparing a file, I came to think an alternative table of contents whose simplified version is given in [45284].

1. Introduction to language faculty science
1.1. The object of inquiry
1.2. The internalist approach and "Guess-Compute-Compare"
1.2.1. Rigorous-testability-seeking research, as opposed to compatibility-seeking research
1.3. Some consequences
1.3.1. The structure of prediction-deduction and its consequences
1.3.2. The inseparability of facts from hypotheses
1.3.3. The internalist approach and informant classification
1.4. Outline of the book
2. FD as the object of inquiry
2.1. Introduction
2.2. Hypotheses, consequences and predictions
2.3. Probes: BVA, coreference, and the sloppy-identity reading
2.3.1. BVA
2.3.2. Coreference
2.4. Identifying FD-based BVA and FD-based coreference
2.5. Sources of judgmental fluctuation
2.6. On the nature of our predictions
3. BVA as a probe: hypotheses
4. Coreference as a probe: hypotheses
5. Experimental results (I): Single-researcher-informant experiments
5.1. Introduction
5.2. With BVA as a probe
5.2.1. Hypotheses
5.2.2. Result of a single-researcher-informant experiment
5.2.3. Result of multiple-informant experiments
5.2.4. Result of a single-non-researcher informant experiment
5.3. With Coreference as a probe
5.3.1. Hypotheses
5.3.2. Result of a single-researcher-informant experiment
5.3.3. Result of multiple-informant experiments
5.3.4. Result of a single-non-researcher informant experiment
5.4. Correlations
5.5. Further consequences
6. Experimental results (II): Multiple-non-researcher-informant experiments
6.1. Introduction
6.2. With BVA as a probe
6.2.1. Hypotheses
6.2.2. Result of a single-researcher-informant experiment
6.2.3. Result of multiple-informant experiments
6.2.4. Result of a single-non-researcher informant experiment
6.3. With Coreference as a probe
6.3.1. Hypotheses
6.3.2. Result of a single-researcher-informant experiment
6.3.3. Result of multiple-informant experiments
6.3.4. Result of a single-non-researcher informant experiment
6.4. Correlations
6.5. Further consequences
7. Further remarks
7.1. Confirmed predicted schematic asymmetries and statistically significant contrasts
7.1.1. The language-particular lexical hypothesis about otagai
7.1.2. The different LGs for BVA
8. Summary and concluding remarks

References :
[45284] Hajime Hoji Sep/17/2015 (05:33)A rough idea about the second book: its possible titles, the table of contents, etc.