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[44486] Hajime Hoji Jul/20/2014 (Sun) 04:26
A talk at Kanagawa University on 9/11/2014
I will give a talk at Kanagawa University on 9/11/2014.

I have been told that the announcement has been made by the organizer(s), which contains the following information.

Language Faculty Science as an Exact Science:
An Illustration based on Experimental Considerations


In this talk, I will try to present the essentials of my forthcoming book Language Faculty Science (Cambridge University Press). The book provides a conceptual basis for, and experimental demonstrations of, how the language faculty can be studied as an exact science. By an exact science, I mean a research program in which definite predictions are deduced from hypotheses and put to rigorous empirical test (and we expect the predictions to be supported experimentally). What I propose is a consequence of (i) taking as the object of inquiry the language faculty (I-language in the terms of Chomsky 1986) rather than language as an external or externalized object (E-language in the terms of Chomsky 1986), and (ii) adopting the methodological naturalist approach to the study of the language faculty\which maintains that we should approach our subject matter just as researchers in a natural science do (Chomsky 1986, 1993, and 1995, among other places).
This book has an accompanying website. The purpose of the website is to make it possible for others to critically examine the validity of the book's empirical claims more thoroughly than is made possible in the book. For each Experiment discussed in the book, the website provides a full description of its design, its Examples, and its result. The website also provides the "Raw Data" of the experimental results so that interested people can analyze them by the statistical techniques of their choice.
In this talk, I will try to go over the general design of our Experiments and how it reflects the proposed methodology. More in particular, I will addresses how experiments are designed and conducted in language faculty science and how the experimental results are interpreted, all in accordance with the proposed methodology for language faculty science as laid out in my forthcoming book. The talk is thus an attempt to introduce language faculty science as an exact science based on experimental considerations.

This handout gives you an idea about Language Faculty Science, from conceptual, rather than empirical or experimental, considerations.

If you are interested in learning more about Language Faculty Science as I am pursuing, please check the postings under:
[44350] "Language Faculty Science"
at: (which is part of this Homepage).
They provide excerpts of the draft of my forthcoming book.

The PDF file mentioned above is a modified version of the handout for my USC talk February this year, available here.

[44350] "Language Faculty Science" is in the "Remarks" board here.

I will post the time and the location of the talk later.

References :
  No References

Follow-Ups :
[44490] Hajime Hoji Jul/25/2014 (10:18)Time/Location of the talk
[44652] Hajime Hoji Sep/20/2014 (09:09)The talk went well