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University of Southern California
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[44490] Hajime Hoji (→ [44486]) Jul/25/2014 (Fri) 10:18
Time/Location of the talk
The time/location of the talk is as follows:
(The talk will be in Japanese.)

場所:神奈川大学横浜キャンパス 17号館215講堂

I am hoping to have discussion after the talk, with interested people. If you are interested, please plan on joining the dinner after the talk.

Well, you can email me if you might join the dinner just in case there is a space issue...

I will/can be available after 17:00 until close to the dinner time, anyway. So, if you cannot join the dinner, you can still talk to me after the talk.

References :
[44486] Hajime Hoji Jul/20/2014 (04:26)A talk at Kanagawa University on 9/11/2014