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O Dept of Ling, USC

O Ayumi Ueyama's webpage (written mostly in Japanese)
O Satoshi Kinsui's webpage (written mostly in Japanese)
O Jason Merchant's webpage
You can e-mail me at: hoji [at]
Mailing address
Department of Linguistics
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, California 90089-1693
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[44448] Hajime Hoji Jun/17/2014 (Tue) 10:05
Visiting Kyoto University Feb-May next year
I will be visiting Kyoto University Feb-May next year.
I am hoping to be able to hold workshops and seminars to disseminate the idea of language faculty science as an exact science during my visit in Japan then.

If there is anyone who is interested in language faculty science as an exact science, please email me.

References :
  No References

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