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[44449] Hajime Hoji (→ [44446]) Jun/18/2014 (Wed) 04:03
Some consequences of this
In other words we are trying to prove ourselves wrong as quickly as possible, because only in that way can we find progress.

Suppose that we believe that what Feynman states is applicable to our research dealing with the language faculty. It then follows that the recognition of this point will affect various types of decisions we make, including:

--what kind of "phenomena" we want to deal with
--what kind of hypotheses we want to pursue
--what kind of experiments we want to conduct
--how we want to interpret the experimental results

My forthcoming book Language Faculty Science is an attempt to provide a concrete illustration of such decisions and how the decisions can be implemented.

References :
[44446] Hajime Hoji Jun/17/2014 (09:14)The theory could never be proved right