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[45036] Hajime Hoji Jul/09/2015 (Thu) 15:42
About the second book
As I anticipated, proof-reading the entire CUP manuscript is giving me a pretty good idea about the second book. I can see fairly clearly what issues I want to discuss further, among those that I was not able to address in depth in the CUP book due to space limit.

I will prepare a list of such "points" and decide which ones I want to discuss in my second book.

If I combine such a list with what I have already prepared as something like "the outline/idea of/about the second book," I should have a pretty good idea/outline about the second book.

References :
  No References

Follow-Ups :
[45284] Hajime Hoji Sep/17/2015 (05:33)A rough idea about the second book: its possible titles, the table of contents, etc.