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[45015] Hajime Hoji (→ [45014]) Jul/04/2015 (Sat) 07:58
Prospects for a new structuralism
And, there is a book (published in 1992!) like this:

Prospects for a new structuralism

I thought the return to, or the resurrection of, the behaviorist tradition started to become strong 10-15 years ago, but I guess the trends had been going on much longer than that.

At any rate, it seems to me that the USC LING Department is no exception with regard to the general trends of this sort, which one might suggest is in part influenced by the attitude of the USC administration, which one might also suggest is a reflection of the general trends in academia in the world of placing so much more emphasis than before on the "usefulness" of scientific research.

References :
[45014] Hajime Hoji Jul/04/2015 (06:57)Linguistics and scientific methods