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o Works by Ayumi Ueyama (including her 1998 thesis)
o Works by J.-R. Hayashishita
o Works by Teruhiko Fukaya
o Works by Satoshi Kinsui
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O Dept of Ling, USC

O Ayumi Ueyama's webpage (written mostly in Japanese)
O Satoshi Kinsui's webpage (written mostly in Japanese)
O Jason Merchant's webpage
You can e-mail me at: hoji [at]
Mailing address
Department of Linguistics
University of Southern California
Los Angeles, California 90089-1693
Subjects (Tree) Subjects (Date) Postings (List)

[8348] Hajime Hoji Feb/03/2002 (01:53)When a prediction fails to be confirmed
[8153] Hajime Hoji Jan/23/2002 (11:09)experimental arrangements
[8152] Hajime Hoji Jan/23/2002 (11:07)Theories and experiments
[7174] Hajime Hoji Jul/31/2001 (11:29)Galileo and generative grammar
[11306] Hajime Hoji Feb/08/2003 (17:18)Lingua-sections 1 and 5 --Heading Only--
[12204] Hajime Hoji Apr/07/2003 (11:55)Falsifiability, preaching and actual practice
[44359] Hajime Hoji Apr/27/2014 (04:42)The content of the webpage mentioned in [12204]
[11857] Hajime Hoji Mar/09/2003 (20:06)UG and a particular grammar
[11856] Hajime Hoji Mar/09/2003 (19:44)repeatability
[11855] Hajime Hoji Mar/09/2003 (19:38)experiments
[11854] Hajime Hoji Mar/09/2003 (19:27)generalizations and predictions
[11461] Hajime Hoji Feb/12/2003 (19:06)Data and theories in generative grammar
[11455] Hajime Hoji Feb/12/2003 (18:24)The aim of science and the aim of generative grammar
[11462] Hajime Hoji Feb/12/2003 (19:22)The goal of generative grammar and a selection of a research topic
[11458] Hajime Hoji Feb/12/2003 (18:49)The significance of experiments in generative grammar
[11457] Hajime Hoji Feb/12/2003 (18:31)Chomsky 1955/1975
[11456] Hajime Hoji Feb/12/2003 (18:26)Einstein 1934
[44357] Hajime Hoji Apr/26/2014 (00:31)The table of content of Language Faculty Science
[44263] Hajime Hoji Mar/20/2014 (10:33)The handout of my recent talk (Language Faculty Science) at USC
[42404] Hajime Hoji Feb/06/2012 (14:37)The articulation (as of Feb, 2012) of the methodology of language faculty science as an exact science
[42407] Hajime Hoji Feb/08/2012 (11:42)Continued (1)
[42412] Hajime Hoji Feb/09/2012 (04:00)Continued (2)
[42415] Hajime Hoji Feb/10/2012 (16:36)Continued (3)
[42417] Hajime Hoji Feb/11/2012 (10:00)Continued (4): Outline of the book
[42423] Hajime Hoji Feb/13/2012 (12:14)A key to making progress in language faculty science
[42471] Hajime Hoji Feb/28/2012 (22:10)On the scientific status of current generative grammar
[34390] Hajime Hoji Sep/23/2008 (17:56)Sneak previews of the book I hope I will soon finish
[34391] Hajime Hoji Sep/23/2008 (18:15)On contrastive judgments
[34437] Hajime Hoji Sep/25/2008 (19:22)Intellectual honesty
[35922] Hajime Hoji Jan/10/2009 (17:30)Cargo Cult Science by Richard Feynman

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