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[42515] Hajime Hoji (→ [37679]) Mar/12/2012 (Mon) 03:56
Comments as of March 2012
Under this, I will try to post comments on the handout, clarifying some issues in light of my current understanding.

References :
[37679] Hajime Hoji Sep/06/2009 (14:33)Handout #1 in my Syntax Seminar this semester (fall of 2009)
[42516] Hajime Hoji Mar/12/2012 (04:01)Hoji 2009 ms and the book I am currently working on
[42517] Hajime Hoji Mar/12/2012 (08:45)On the aim of generative grammar
[42520] Hajime Hoji Mar/12/2012 (09:27)The main claim in Hoji 2009
[42521] Hajime Hoji Mar/12/2012 (10:22)confirmed schematic asymmetries and confirmed predicted schematic asymmetries
[42523] Hajime Hoji Mar/12/2012 (12:07)Concrete illustration of the proposal