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[42516] Hajime Hoji (→ [42515]) Mar/12/2012 (Mon) 04:01
Hoji 2009 ms and the book I am currently working on
This is a somewhat non-technical elaboration of the proposal put forth in my book manuscript A Foundation of Generative Grammar as an Empirical Science (henceforth Hoji 2009) and its general significance and implications; it is meant to be an introduction to Hoji 2009.

I am preparing a book that is substantially different from Hoji 2009. The "new book" is called Language Faculty Science: how it becomes an exact science\a proposal and illustration and a draft of its chapter 1 "Chapter 1: Summary and Outline" is provided under Methodology [42404] "The current articulation of the methodology of language faculty science as an exact science." It is not clear what I will do with Hoji 2009, which is a completed book manuscript.

References :
[42515] Hajime Hoji Mar/12/2012 (03:56)Comments as of March 2012