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[37679] Hajime Hoji Sep/06/2009 (Sun) 14:33
Handout #1 in my Syntax Seminar this semester (fall of 2009)
Handout #1 in my Syntax Seminar this semester, which can be downloaded here, is a substantially revised version of the handouts used for the talks in Kyoto University and the one at Kyushu University in May and for the first talk at Tohoku University and for the talk at Keio University in June. It serves as an introduction to my book under revision A Foundation of Generative Grammar as an Empirical Science.

The handout was slightly revised on 9/9/2009.

References :
  No References

Follow-Ups :
[38805] Hajime Hoji Dec/05/2009 (11:43)RE: Handout #1 in my Syntax Seminar this semester (fall of 2009)
[42515] Hajime Hoji Mar/12/2012 (03:56)Comments as of March 2012