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[42484] Hajime Hoji (→ [25485]) Mar/01/2012 (Thu) 18:58
One of the main points of Hoji 2006
Hoji 2006 is also available here.

One of the main points of Hoji 2006 is that Saito's (2003) use of so as the intended bindee in bound variable anaphora results in the impossibility to attain further testability with regard to local disjointness effects (i.e., the effects of so-called Principle B of the Binding Theory), because so by itself cannot be used as an argument; see Hoji 2006: 4.1.4.

References :
[25485] Hajime Hoji Apr/11/2006 (15:48)Assessing Competing Analyses: Two Hypotheses about ' Scrambling ' in Japanese