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Department of Linguistics
University of Southern California
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[25485] Hajime Hoji Apr/11/2006 (Tue) 15:48
Assessing Competing Analyses: Two Hypotheses about ' Scrambling ' in Japanese
Here is Assessing Competing Analyses: Two Hypotheses about 'Scrambling' in Japanese (2006) in Ayumi Ueyama, ed., Theoretical and Empirical Studies of Reference and Anaphora?Toward the establishment of generative grammar as an empirical science, pp. 139-185.

The paper can be considered as a(n) (almost direct) continuation of Hoji 2003 in Lingua and it contains some of the materials discussed in the papers and handouts placed in this board. In particular, some/much of the Mayfest2005-related documents, both empirical and methodological, has/have been incorporated in the paper. The methodological issues addressed in the Major-Object-related documents placed in this board are addressed in this paper, hopefully in a way that is clearer than before.

References :
  No References

Follow-Ups :
[42484] Hajime Hoji Mar/01/2012 (18:58)One of the main points of Hoji 2006