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Department of Linguistics
University of Southern California
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[17305] Hajime Hoji (→ [17172]) May/03/2004 (Mon) 05:34
Some corrections and changes we would like to make
Re. (21):
Add "Tree for (20b)" next to "(21)."

Re. (23):
Add "Tree for (22b)" next to "(23)."

Re. the line right before (24):
The necessary conditions for ...
Among the necessary conditions for ...

Re. (30):
The c-command relation between ...
The c-command relation (and the lack thereof) between ...

Re. the paragraph right before (34):
... the negative prediction in (31) would be ...
... the negative prediction in (31), and hence in (32), would be ...

References :
[17172] Hajime Hoji Apr/27/2004 (13:06)The WCCFL 2004 Handout with Yasu Ishii