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[17172] Hajime Hoji (→ [17676]) Apr/27/2004 (Tue) 13:06
The WCCFL 2004 Handout with Yasu Ishii
The handout of Hoji&Ishii WCCFL 2004 "What Gets Mapped to the Tripartite Structure of Quantification in Japanese" is placed here.

The obvious errors in the handout that we corrected orally during our presentation have been corrected in this version.

We did not get to discuss its content before the presentation.

We plan to discuss it now.

References :
[17676] Hajime Hoji May/16/2004 (03:44)WCCFL 2004 --Heading Only--
[17305] Hajime Hoji May/03/2004 (05:34)Some corrections and changes we would like to make