Experiment No.3  
schema design
Schema Group #1 Condition D case for Schema B, but that is not the main point of this EPSA. The intended antecedent of the pronoun is the matrix object.
Schema A1 ok [pronouns' N] V NP   ( Under the interpretation that the pronoun=NP )
Schema B1 * pronoun V NP   ( Under the interpretation that the pronoun=NP )
Schema C1 ok pronoun V NP   ( With the pronoun "referring" to someone other than the individual denoted by the NP in question )
Schema Group #2 Condition D case for Schema B, but that is not the main point of this EPSA. The intended antecedent of the pronoun is is the possessor NP in the matrix object.
Schema A2 ok [pronoun's N] V NP's N   ( Under the interpretation that the pronoun=NP )
Schema B2 * pronoun V NP's N   ( Under the interpretation that the pronoun=NP )
Schema C2 ok pronoun V NP's N   ( With the pronoun "referring" to someone other than the individual denoted by the NP in question )
example design
Lexical Group #1 pronoun=his; NP=John
test design accept until 2014/02/22
Yes-or-No (in sets) Included Times shown = 2 The number of Example tokens = 12
Yes-or-No (one each) Included Times shown = 2 The number of Example tokens = 12
Five-ranking (in sets) Excluded Times shown = 2 The number of Example tokens = 12
Five-ranking (one each) Excluded Times shown = 2 The number of Example tokens = 12