EPSA [31] #2 : list of example sentences (lexically grouped)

1 A1-1 ok (Under the interpretation "Mary praised Bill" )
Bill, Mary praised.
2 B1-1 * (Under the interpretation "Mary praised Bill" )
Bill, Mary praised John.
3 C1-1 ok (Under the interpretation "Mary praised Bill" )
Bill, Mary praised him.

4 A1-2 ok (Under the interpretation "John praised John's father" )
His father, John praised.
5 B1-2 * (Under the interpretation "John praised John's father" )
His father, John praised Mary.
6 C1-2 ok (Under the interpretation "John praised John's father" )
His father, John praised him.

EPSA [31] #2 : list of example sentences (configurationally grouped)

1 A1-1 ok (Under the interpretation "Mary praised Bill" )
Bill, Mary praised.
2 A1-2 ok (Under the interpretation "John praised John's father" )
His father, John praised.

3 B1-1 * (Under the interpretation "Mary praised Bill" )
Bill, Mary praised John.
4 B1-2 * (Under the interpretation "John praised John's father" )
His father, John praised Mary.

5 C1-1 ok (Under the interpretation "Mary praised Bill" )
Bill, Mary praised him.
6 C1-2 ok (Under the interpretation "John praised John's father" )
His father, John praised him.