Experiment No.10  
schema design
Schema Group #1
Schema A1 ok NP-ga soko-no N-o V   ( BVA(A, soko/asoko) )
Schema B1 * NP-ga asoko-no N-o V   ( BVA(A, soko/asoko) )
Schema C1 ok NP-ga asoko-no N-o V   ( Under the interpretation that asoko refers to a specific entity. )
example design
Lexical Group #1 BVA(三つの球団, B), B=soko/asoko
Lexical Group #2 BVA(すべての球団, B), B=soko/asoko
test design accept until 2013/12/10
Yes-or-No (in sets) Included Times shown = 2 The number of Example tokens = 12
Yes-or-No (one each) Included Times shown = 2 The number of Example tokens = 12
Five-ranking (in sets) Excluded Times shown = 2 The number of Example tokens = 12
Five-ranking (one each) Excluded Times shown = 2 The number of Example tokens = 12