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[41216] Hajime Hoji (→ [41215]) Dec/30/2010 (Thu) 11:49
FN 44: excluding => attributing
[The font formatting is lost here; and I am not concerned with that.]

Without g(a, b), we do not have two okExamples corresponding to the *Example. Unlike the case with g(a, b)
considered above, we cannot therefore, in principle, have a reasonable ground for excluding the complete unacceptability of a
*Example to "parsing" difficulty or the unnaturalness of the interpretation of the entire a.


(I think I was going with "excluding the possibility of xxx" at one point and was not able to completely fix the sentences here...)

References :
[41215] Hajime Hoji Dec/30/2010 (11:46)JJL 2000 paper: errors