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[28267] Hajime Hoji (→ [28266]) Sep/19/2006 (Tue) 05:07
Elbourne 2002 (I)
Elbourne, Paul. 2002 Situations and Individuals, Doctoral dissertation, MIT.

The way Elbourne 2002: chapter 5, p. 175 cites (or I should perhaps say, misrepresents) Hoji 1991 is quite remarkable. It in effects states that Hoji (1991) was unaware of the fact that demonstratives (e.g., that logician in English or so-ko in Japanese) can be construed as a bound variable, attributing Hoji 1991 "the puzzling proposal that kare cannot be bound because it is a demonstrative," and continues "He does not take account of the many examples which show demonstratives can in fact be bound."

One of the main empirical points in Hoji 1991 is precisely that so-demonstratives (as opposed to a-demonstratives) can be construed as a bound variable. The puzzling proposal in Hoji 1991 actually has to do with its introduction of the 'degrees of demonstrativity' (as a desperate attempt to account for the difference between so demonstratives and a demonstratives -- and it tries to relate kare to a demonstratives). This is certainly a puzzling and obscure notion, to say the least, and it has (quickly) been abandoned in subsequent works of mine.

References :
[28266] Hajime Hoji Sep/19/2006 (04:50)Pronouns in Japanese?
[28396] Hajime Hoji Sep/25/2006 (19:41)Who is responsible