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[21992] Hajime Hoji (→ [21482]) Apr/27/2005 (Wed) 05:19
If you can read Japanese: a paper by Ayumi Ueyama on methodology
If you can read Japanese, you might want to take a look at a recent paper by Ayumi Ueyama -- 上山あゆみ (2006) 「経験科学としての生成文法―文法性と容認可能性―」, 九州大学言語学論集 25/26 (Ueyama, Ayumi (2006) "Generative Grammar as an Empirical Science---Grammaticality and Acceptability---", Kyushu University Papers in Linguistics, vol.25/26.)-- which directly addresses the methodological point alluded to in my Mayfest talk and elsewhere.

References :
[21482] Hajime Hoji Mar/23/2005 (19:45)Mayfest at U. of Maryland