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[21629] Hajime Hoji (→ [18314]) Apr/03/2005 (Sun) 07:22
If you feel unclear about this
If you find [18314] unclear and if you would like to know what was intended there, please take a look at the Kyodai handout (under [20194]) and the Mayfest abstract (under [21482]), and the other-related postings, all of which were made rather recently.

As of April, 2005, I am using again corroboration, but with the qualification not in Popper's sense, thinking that it is perhaps necessary for us to establish this use of corroboration in generative grammar as an empirical science with progress in mind.

References :
[18314] Hajime Hoji May/31/2004 (18:48)corroboration and plausibility enhancement