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University of Southern California
Los Angeles, California 90089-1693
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[14952] Hajime Hoji Dec/25/2003 (Thu) 08:58
The JK 13 paper
Here is my JK 13 paper "Reconstruction Effects in Passive and Scrambling in Japanese." Because of the page limit, I was not able to include various materials, empirical, conceptual and methodological, in the paper. Virtually no reference is made to the issues re. negative propositions and negative predictions, with which the bulk of the JK presentation was concerned.

Among the issues that I wanted to include but was not able to are:

--the resumption paradigms and some of their complications
--the absence of A-reconstruction in English

In general, in many of the places in the paper, a full empirical demonstration of a point at issue is not provided. In some places, I have tried to note what should be added to make the empirical demonstration complete, but not for every single point of the paper.

Within a month or so, I will try to post what can reasonably be posted here in relation to my JK paper. If you want me to address a particular issue or would like to comment on any part of the paper, please send them to me.

If you do not see postings on the JK paper within a month or so, it might be a while for me to get back to it here.

References :
  No References

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[14991] Hajime Hoji Dec/29/2003 (16:05)Acknowledgment