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[13835] Teruhiko Fukaya & Hajime Hoji (→ [13836]) Oct/12/2003 (Sun) 18:31
Lasnik's (2001) examples
The following examples are from Lasnik, Howard. 2001, "When Can You Save a Structure by Destroying It?" NELS 31: 301-320, and these appear to pose a problem for the proposal in Fukaya 2003. We will try to address the relevant issues under this posting.

(1) a. (= Lasnik 2001: (51))
Every linguisti met a philosopher who criticized some of hisi work, but I'm not sure how much of hisi work [every linguisti met a philosopher who criticized t]
b. (= Lasnik 2001: (52))
Every linguisti met a philosopher who criticized some of hisi work.
Tell me how much of hisi work [every linguisti met a philosopher who criticized t]

(2) a. (= Lasnik 2001: (53))
??Every linguisti met a philosopher who criticized some of hisi work, but I'm not sure how much of hisi work the philosopher criticized t
b. (= Lasnik 2001: (54))
?*Every linguisti met a philosopher who criticized some of hisi work.
Tell me how much of hisi work the philosopher criticized t.

(3) a. (= Lasnik 2001: (55))
Each of the linguists met a philosopher who criticized some of the other linguists, but I'm not sure how many of the other linguists
b. (= Lasnik 2001: (56))
?*How many of the other linguists did the philosopher criticize

References :
[13836] Hajime Hoji Oct/12/2003 (18:37)Fukaya 2003 (WCCFL) --Heading Only--