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[13657] Hajime Hoji (→ [13627]) Oct/03/2003 (Fri) 13:11
RE: One crucial example
The impossibility of the simultaneous BVAs in such OS examples and the paradigms of resumption examples provided in the WECOL handout constitute the most serious empirical challenge to the analyses of the OS construction (i.e., so-called scrambling constructions) in Japanese that have been proposed elsewhere.

During my WECOL presentation, I in fact stated something like:

"Those who are familiar with the existing literature on 'scrambling' in Japanese are hereby encouraged to consider how the resumption facts could be captured in the other analyses proposed elsewhere."

It is noteworthy that it is possible for the two BVAs to obtain simultaneously in examples like (16) in the WECOL handout if we use a QP of a different type from the one used in (16). (I am talking about the sentence-initial QP.) As discussed briefly in my Lingua paper, and discussed more in depth in the few other papers cited there, with a QP of that type, e.g., dono-NP, we do not get clear effects of local disjointness associated with Principle B of the binding theory. The availability of BVA with such a QP as the 'binder' is sensitive to PF precedence, as discussed in depth in Ueyama 1998 and also in my Lingua paper. So, it is crucial that we use a QP for which BVA(QP, B) is possible only on the basis of LF c-command if we are conducting tests that make crucial reference to (LF) c-command. The failure to do so has resulted in a great deal of judgmental instability, to put it somewhat mildly, in regard to the alleged generalizations discussed in the literature for the past two decades, not only in the area of BVA but also in the area of quantifier scope. The same holds true also in the case of the generalization illustrated by (16) in the WECOL handout and the various paradigms of resumption examples discussed there; and in this sense, the paradigms in the WECOL handout can be understood as constituting strong confirming evidence for the theory of anaphoric relations proposed in Ueyama 1998, in which different types of BVA are teased apart carefully.

References :
[13627] Hajime Hoji Sep/30/2003 (06:30)One crucial example
[21628] Hajime Hoji Apr/03/2005 (06:35)The failure to do so