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[12694] Hajime Hoji (→ [12693]) May/31/2003 (Sat) 20:09
RE: Empirical difference(s) between Ueyama 1998: chap. 2 and Saito 2003
My understanding is as follows. Saito 2003 allows the licensing of the syntactic relation that underlies the availability of FD-based BVA in the terms of Hoji 2003 at any stage of derivation. It therefore predicts that the 'scrambled NP/DP' (i.e., the Deep DL in the terms of Ueyama 1998) could be simultaneously (i) A of FD-BVA(A,B) and (ii) a container of a dependent term that must be beta of FD(alpha, beta). And this is precisely what is predicted to be impossible under Ueyama 1998: chap. 2.

The prediction under Saito 2003 may appear to be borne out if we do not restrict our discussion to FD-based BVA. But once we concentrate on the distribution of FD-based BVA, we can clearly observe that Ueyama's (1998: chap. 2) prediction is the correct one.

References :
[12693] Mr. A May/31/2003 (19:58)Empirical difference(s) between Ueyama 1998: chap. 2 and Saito 2003
[13627] Hajime Hoji Sep/30/2003 (06:30)One crucial example